Over 70% of Gen Z Dream of Freelancing: A Guide to Taking the Leap

"Freelancing can be a rewarding and fulfilling career path, but it requires careful consideration and preparation."

Over 70% of Gen Z Dream of Freelancing: A Guide to Taking the Leap

Tired of the traditional 9-to-5 grind? Are you itching for more flexibility and control over your career? You're not alone. A recent study by Fiverr revealed that over 70% of Gen Z are considering freelancing as a viable career path.

Let’s dive into the world of freelancing, providing you with valuable insights and tips to help you decide if it's the right path for you.

Why Freelancing is Gaining Popularity

  • Flexibility: Freelancing offers unprecedented freedom to set your own schedule and work from anywhere.
  • Control: As a freelancer, you have the autonomy to choose your clients and projects, giving you greater control over your career.
  • Social Media Influence: Platforms like Instagram have made it easier for freelancers to connect with clients and build their brands.

Before You Dive In: Key Considerations

  • Financial Stability: Freelancing often involves income fluctuations. Ensure you have a financial safety net to cushion any potential downturns.
  • Self-Discipline: As your own boss, you'll need strong self-discipline to stay motivated and manage your time effectively.
  • Legal and Tax Implications: Familiarize yourself with the legal and tax requirements of freelancing in your region.

Getting Started: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Identify Your Skills and Niche: Determine what you're good at and what you enjoy doing. This will help you define your niche. Does your talent network consist of a certain type of talent? Are you technically minded in a way that could help you pinpoint top tech talent? This can help you find your market.
  2. Build a Strong Online Presence: Create a professional website or portfolio to showcase your work and attract clients. Keep your full portfolio available, but just like a resume, have an abridged version that contains a variety of your best work that can wow clients in a matter of minutes! 
  3. Network and Market Yourself: Connect with potential clients through social media, networking events, and online platforms. You are now your own marketer and self promoter. 
  4. Set Up Your Business: Consider the legal and financial aspects of setting up your freelance business. 

Balancing Work and Life

Being your own boss is a double edged sword. On one hand, you set the rules, but you also must be a self-disciplined person who has the objective clarity to set and keep your own deadlines without a boss or manager keeping you on track. Likewise, burnout is also an issue, and unlike a 9-5, a freelance job can consume every waking moment of your dad, making self care a must. Yes, the harder you work the more you are likely to succeed, but even the greatest minds and entrepreneurs sleep and take time off! 


Freelancing can be a rewarding and fulfilling career path, but it requires careful consideration and preparation. By understanding the challenges and opportunities, you can make an informed decision about whether freelancing is the right fit for you.

Ready to leverage the power of freelance recruitment? Get started with Tscout today!

About Tscout

Tscout is a premiere recruitment tool, a headhunting service that connects employers with highly qualified candidates in the technology sector. Tscout connects the best with the best, making recruitment simple and convenient, with an exclusive AI platform that helps companies elevate their talent acquisition through Tscout's specialized network.

For Freelance Recruiters, Tscout offers industry leading commission rewards that are paid out quickly, with access to positions from top companies. This includes exclusive positions recruiters may not be aware of, expanding recruitment options by connecting their network of talent with the best possible open positions. Tscout's reputation system allows recruiters who provide consistent results to more easily earn trust with new clients, while Tscout's simple and feature-packed interface makes it easy to track your talent network, and maximize your earnings potential.

For Companies, Tscout saves time and money by allowing more flexibility in hiring options. By connecting freelance recruiters with companies, Tscout helps companies fill specific roles by connecting them with a variety of specialized recruiters who can help expand their talent options, even for highly specialized roles. Tscout ensures effective talent acquisition within only 7 working days, with expansive talent options, and greater access to passive candidates than other hiring methods, all while protecting the employer's brand and hiring history with complete confidentiality.